Our primary focus as Evolve, is to provide business consulting services to drive sustainable organisational improvement. We don’t see ourselves as a training house, but we provide training linked to organisational improvement objectives. We consult in the following areas:
- Organisational improvement: Customised interventions following an assessment, engagement, alignment and action phase. We assist you to understand the truth of your current reality and then walk with you to make the strategic, leadership, cultural, organisational and positioning changes to enable success. We help ensure your business is fit for the future.
- Culture change: Assisting you to build the culture you require to successfully execute your strategy. This will be linked to the style of leadership in the organisation, roles & responsibilities and other required organisational drivers. It’s about building a sustainable behavioural change.
- Integrated organisational development: evaluation and change regarding structures, processes, systems, performance management and all OD drivers. We follow a structured assessment process follows by engagement to align and then plan implementation.
- Board, director and senior management alignment, evaluation and role clarity: One of the greatest impacts on any organisation, is a properly functioning and aligned board and senior management levels of the organisation. Small wins at this level, can leverage huge positive changes to the organisation.
- Organisational alignment: Processes to help engage and align all organisational stakeholders around purpose, vision, strategy, goals, and create better focus and performance improvement.
- Change management: Change management is an interesting title. Take people along on the journey and include them in the relevant strategy, and most of your change management is done. We can assist you to create cultures, systems and processes to leverage people and their energy. This world requires organisations to be change fit.
- Disciplined execution: This is a methodology, a practice and a process to create an intense alignment between people by utilising cascading goals, communication, prioritisation and metrics within the organisation. Disciplined execution also links to performance management practices.
- Team Leadership Development Journeys: Typically structured as 1 day per month over 3,6,9 or 12 months, these sessions take a team to a new level in terms of managing and transforming their organisations. These sessions develop individuals and teams by focussing on best practice and working directly with issues in their organisations. The sessions always complete with implementation plans for them to positively change themselves, their teams and their organisations. These development journeys are specifically customised for success for each specific organisation.
- Leadership Development: We provide needs focussed and customised leadership development, differentiated to the needs of people in different roles and at different organisational levels.
- Leaders Coaching Leaders: On its own, or as part of a larger leadership development rollout, leaders coaching leaders teaches participants why to, and how to embrace a coaching leadership style within their organisation. A coaching style is a very powerful way to create ownership, buy-in and innovation within the workplace. Widely adopted coaching within organisations drive positive culture change.
- Diversity and Inclusion Awareness Training: We customise programmes to your specific needs to either create awareness and/or to understand the necessity of valuing diversity and dealing with differences to enable success. Attendees will engage deeply with each other and learn to adopt many new perspectives.
- Individual executive coaching and development journeys: We provide executive coaching to senior managers. The sessions can be structured to meet the needs of each client, ideally twice per month over 3,6, or 9 months or once per month for a longer session. The sessions generally consist of a mix a leadership development and coaching to integrate the learnings experientially and cement lasting change.
- Team coaching sessions: These sessions are very similar to the Leadership Development Journeys highlighted under the leadership development category. However, as each team progresses with their leadership development their sessions will shift from content to integration into business needs.
- Company Management Talks: Short 1 to 4 hr talks to large groups of your management within your offices. These talks can start a new conversation as to the future and help kick off a new leadership process or journey. We will develop custom talks from within our field to help empower, teach, inspire and align your management. These sessions could also be done as short interactive workshops.
- Function or Event Keynote Addresses: We design and present at corporate functions and seminars of any size. We will develop a talk to align with the theme of your function. We can also facilitate interactive sessions at seminars.
We make use of a number of tools and diagnostics to create individual and organisational awareness as well as to drive change. We are also comfortable with using specific tools that may be preferred by a client that may not be listed below.
- Culture and Leadership discussion tools: We have a large body of knowledge to help enable leaders to see their organisations from different perspectives, and then to help enable them to explore new ways and opportunities in their future strategies.
- The Evolve Leadership Performance Pyramid™ : This is a 9 lever organisational diagnostic model which can powerfully pinpoint the key areas to be worked on within an organisation. This diagnostic can be rolled out online or manually. The online version can be tailored to your specific organisational demographics to the deepest level. The Performance Pyramid™ is ideal to use at the start of an intervention or as a once off snapshot or pre-strategy snapshot.
- Transformational body of work: We have a large body of work that covers almost every facet of leadership to help build better leaders, teams and organisations.
- The Leadership Circle 360: We are accredited to use The Leadership Circle 360 and products. This is a powerful and highly validated tool that can be used as part of personal development as well as part of team or group development. I greatly assist leaders improve organisational performance and focus on the right things.
- The Leadership Circle culture snapshot: This provides a powerful perspective on the style of leadership used within the organisation and hence the resulting way of working that is being used. It will help make senior leaders conscious of the often-unintended impact of their leadership styles, and will hence give them clear insights on how to leverage their strengths to build a true High Performance Culture.